Dear friends,
We are sorry to announce you that our Chief fire officer of FRB CR and Deputy Minister of Interior Mr. Miroslav Stepan had to set aside the conference called “Solving emergency situations in the beginning of 3rd millennium”, which should be part of II. Open European Championship in Fire Sport. The reason of the decision is very low number of participants from foreign countries who signed on.
However, all participants from foreign countries who signed on are heartily welcomed to visit the II European Championship, day of NATO as well as all other activities.
Specialized Conference are organized in the occasion of the above-mentioned Championship. The Conference, which theme is "The Solutions of Emergencies in the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium" will be held in the conference room of Hotel Atom in Ostrava. The head representatives of Fire Services and Civil Protection organizations from Europe, Asia and countries of Central European Initiative were invited to the conference. We expect as well the participation of NATO, CTIF and FEU (Federation of Associations of EU Fire Officers). |
Program conference |
Thursday, 8th September 2005 |
Arrivals of conference participants to Ostrava; Accommodation at the Atom hotel in Ostrava |
3 p. m. |
Opening of the International Exhibition of Fire and Rescue Equipment, City Stadium Ostrava - Vitkovice, opened by the Czech Minister of Interior |
6 p. m. |
Festive Initiation of the II Open European Championship in Fire Sport, opened by the Czech Minister of Interior, City Stadium Ostrava - Vitkovice |
Friday, 9th September 2005 |
Conference Day in the Atom hotel, Ostrava |
9 a. m. |
opened by the Czech Minister of Interior |
9 a.m. - 1 p.m. |
Presentations of the participants, Discussion |
1 p.m. - 3 p.m. |
Lunch at the Atom hotel |
3 p.m. - 7 p.m |
Leisure time |
7 p.m. - 9 p.m. |
Official Buffet Dinner with program |
Saturday, 10th September 2005 |
The 5th NATO Day at the Ostrava - Mosnov airport, Finals of the II Open European Championship in Fire Sport |
Accommodation, board and local transportation for Conference participants is organized and covered by the Czech side. |
ATOM hotel
Zkracena 2703
700 30 Ostrava - Zabreh
Czech Republic
tel.: + 420 596 702 111
fax: + 420 596 702 860
Due to the big interest of the Conference and all the other events, we are sorry to limit our invitation to the Conference for only two representatives from each country.On the contrary, to the Exhibition we would welcome at least 3 participating companies from each country.
Please fill in the Registration Form and send it back by July 15, 2005 to the following address: |
Ministerstvo vnitra CR
Generalni reditelstvi HZS CR
Kloknerova 26
148 01 Praha 414
Czech Republic
fax: 00420 974 819 960
For any further information, please, don't hesitate to contact us at the e-mail address or phone number + 420 974 819 260. Please let us know at the above-mentioned contact e-mail or phone even in case you can't participate in the Conference. |