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    City of Ostrava
    Moravian-Silesian Region
Friday, 23 December 2005
Correction of Results reached in European Championship

In view of the positive doping tests found in some of the competitors it was agreed in Togliati, Russia, at the beginning of December this year at the conference for The International Federation of Firefighters and Rescuers to make changes in the final results in both individual and teams. The Czech Republic´s team has become the European Champions for the first time in history. For more details please click here.

29th August 2005
The national team of Uzbekistan made an excuse from II. European Championship and on the other hand new team entered - national team of Ukraine.
11th August 2005
Dear friends,
We are sorry to announce you that our Chief fire officer of FRB CR and Deputy Minister of Interior Mr. Miroslav Stepan had to set aside the conference called “Solving emergency situations in the beginning of 3rd millennium”, which should be part of II. Open European Championship in Fire Sport. The reason of the decision is very low number of participants from foreign countries who signed on.

However, all participants from foreign countries who signed on are heartily welcomed to visit the II European Championship, day of NATO as well as all other activities.

11th August 2005
There is a training schedule (PDF file, Microsoft Excel file) and program of the European Championship (PDF file, Microsoft Excel file) for all teams in the section Program and Proposition.
8th August 2005
Following countries will be represented at European Championship:
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Iran
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia
  • Hungary
  • Germany
  • Nepal
  • Poland
  • Austria
  • Russian Federation
  • Slovakia
  • Uzbekistan
  • Czech Republic 2
5th May 2005
There have been placed in the part "information" the championship propositions and information for payments from foreign countries on the site. It is available in PDF format (propositions and information for payments).
General partners:
Hasicska vzajemna pojistovna, a.s.
Vegacom a.s.
Main partners:
DEVA s.r.o - výrobce ochranných oděvů
Obcanske sdruzeni - Cesky hasic
Drager Safety,s.r.o.
Cesky porcelan, a.s.
Minolta Česká republika
Mestske informacni centrum Ostrava - MIC Ostrava, o.p.s.
Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o.
PODA s.r.o. - Internet & Voice provider
Reo Amos, s.r.o.
Stavos Stavba a.s.
Tarra Pyrotechnik, s.r.o.
Trinecke zelezarny, a.s.
Media partners:
Ceska televize
Radio Orion
Moravskoslezsky denik
Copyright (c) 2005, Fire Rescue Brigade of Moravian-Silesian Region